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Event venue - LETŇANY
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Partner pro energetiku PVA EXPO PRAHA


PVA EXPO PRAHA Among the World's Top!

The PVA EXPO PRAHA trade fair complex has become a member of the prestigious international Global Association of the Exhibition Industry UFI, thereby confirming its strong position in the trade fair industry within Central Europe. The PVA EXPO PRAHA trade fair complex has become a member of the prestigious international Global Association of the Exhibition Industry UFI, thereby confirming its strong position in the trade fair industry within Central Europe.

2025-02-12 15:16:20 More  


We are pleased to announce the expansion of our activities on an international level. To enhance the accessibility of our services and streamline communication with our international partners and visitors, we are expanding our network of foreign partners. You can now connect with us through our partners in Poland, Romania, and China. We will keep you updated about additional countries as they are added.  This step reflects our long-term commitment to supporting globalization, fostering new business connections, and promoting our trade fair as a significant platform for professional networking and showcasing innovations.  We believe this ongoing initiative will create new opportunities not only for us but also for all our partners, exhibitors, and visitors. 


2024-11-20 20:42:05 More  

The New Partner of Our Fairs Is Škoda Auto a.s.

All visitors to the fair events of ABF, a.s. they will meet significant news from September! At each trade fair, they will be able to view the latest Škoda Auto cars in detail. We are very happy that we have established a partnership with this popular Czech car company, which is currently placing more and more emphasis on sustainability and ecology. The partnership will allow us to further strengthen our role as a leader in trade fairs and innovation. If, like us, you are looking forward to the biggest show of new Škoda cars at the PVA EXPO PRAHA exhibition center, then you should definitely not miss the e-Salon, which will take place from 7 to 10 November.

2024-08-30 09:43:56 More  

Write Down the Dates of Our Events Held in 2024!

Choose the events you want to attend this year and save the dates! There are plenty to choose from. Thank you for your visits last year. Thanks to you, we are the largest and most successful modern fairground in the Czech Republic. You can also download the 2024 calendar of events as a PDF file HERE.

2024-01-05 14:51:44 More  

Cancel of trade fair

Dear Business Partners,

with regard to extraordinary government measures imposed due to the global pandemic SARS-CoV-2, and related restrictive measures, which currently do not allow mass events, including trade fairs, we are forced to cancel the spring concurrence of trade fairs FOR PASSIVE, FOR WOOD, FOR THERM, FOR INTERIOR spring, FOR GARDEN and DESIGN SHAKER planned for  15 – 18 April 2021.


We will return to the canceled trade fairs next year, at the following dates:


- FOR PASIV, FOR WOOD and FOR THERM: 10 – 12 February  2022

- FOR INTERIOR spring, FOR GARDEN and DESIGN SHAKER: 31 March – 3 April 2022


Dear exhibitors, we appreciate very much the current level of mutual cooperation and we look forward to meeting you soon at PVA EXPO PRAGUE in Letňany!

2021-03-09 13:29:46 More  


The set of the fairs FOR PASIV, FOR WOOD and FOR THERM trade fairs attracted an extraordinarily large number of visitors.

 Almost 26 000 people came to Prague to find current trends of the branche of Trade Fair for Low-energy, Passive and Zero-energy Buildings and Heating. The trio of fairs was complemented by the Roofs of Prague (STŘECHY PRAHA) event. The first day of the fair was opened by the Minister of Industry and Trade Karel Havlíček and the Minister of the Environment Richard Brabec.

2020-10-19 09:46:30 More  

Announcement - activities of fraudulent firms!

Company ABF, a.s. dissociates itself from the practices of companies International Fair Trade, Expo Guide, MULPOR Company S.A., FAIR Guide, Construct Data, which offer the publication of company data in the internet catalog of trade fairs and exhibitors. 

Although the offer for the publication of the data in the catalog is presented as free of charge, after completing and submitting the data, the client will receive an invoice for the payment of almost EUR 1200 per year.


Furthermore, ABF, a.s. declares that it has never granted the mentioned companies permission to use or promote the protected names or logos of trade fairs organized by ABF, a. s. and to address individual exhibitors on behalf of the organizer of the fair.

2018-08-09 12:13:12 More  

Return to the traditional FOR WOOD trade fair!

The unique concurrence of FOR PASIV and FOR WOOD trade fairs will become a number one of its kind in the Czech Republic in 2019. Popular event will be held at PVA EXPO PRAGUE in hall n.2 that covers  4 000 square metres of gross exhbition area.  The number of exhibitors will increase and there will be a significant increase in the nomenclature, mainly in the field of heating.



2018-05-25 09:26:04 More  

The 4th Industrial Revolution at FOR ARCH 2018

Industry 4.0 is the current trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies. The fourth revolution is comming and especially Building industry will be one of the most affected sector. For that reason, Building 4.0 is the flagship of the International Building trade fair FOR ARCH that is held 18 – 22 September, 2018, where the specialists as well as politicians will be discussing this topic.

2018-04-18 11:44:36 More  

How can you imagine the set of the fairs FOR PASIV and FOR WOOD? CHECK IT...

2018-04-10 12:43:51 More  

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